What are energetic consultations about?


In an Energetic session, you lie on the massage table (dressed) while I place my hands on your shoulders and tune into your body energetically. I will ask you questions based on what I sense.  When you have physical or other complaints for which medical treatment so far does not seem to help or has not helped, we can check whether there might be something going on energetically.


For example I may ask you questions about areas in your body that draw my attention, or I may ask you other questions, about sadness or anger that suddenly arises. While the energy flows from my hands, I guide you to what that particular spot in your body is actually telling you. If necessary, we may go even deeper when you get an image about an event which happened in your past. We then sort of rewind the film of your life back to that situation and the adult you are today together with me looks back at the child that you were who experienced something painful. In some cases we automatically move into an energetic constellation. I will carefully guide you through this process; you don't have to do it all by yourself.


Another example, without requiring physical healing, might be the sensing of a presence you cannot explain. We will then explore this together. Again through energetic connection and by asking questions. It may be a departed loved one who makes their appearance or the space that you live in that requires special attention.

Or it could be about a pet, for instance a cat who suddenly pees on the couch. This recently happened. While the person was telling me this by phone I connected with the cat simultaneously and “heard” about the situation, that the cat literally felt “‘’unheimish‘’ and there was something about the food. It turned out that there had been other cats in the house and that the cat was given different food as before....


Usually people feel lighter afterwards and they experience more space. As though they were able to breathe freely again. The cat also came out fine.



An Energetic session can last an hour to an hour and a half. You may bring up anything you are currently dealing with. This can be related to physical issues that just won't improve with regular treatment. But you can also address mental issues related to work or relationships. Every single session is unique, simply because we are all completely different people.



 After each session I will always contact you in case more detailed explanation or aftercare is desired.



For an Energetic session, lasting an hour to an hour and a half, online or in person, the fee is € 60.




Read about my path to embracing this work here.


Contact me if you would like to know more.