Everything and everyone around us are part of a system. Our family of origin, our parents and siblings are the foundation. You always remain connected to your family, whether you like it or not. Unconsciously, we carry patterns and ideas from our family with us all our lives. Until we become aware of them.


Family Constellations, also referred to as Intuitive Systemic Work, may help with awareness of underlying patterns and beliefs. This can be both enlightening and healing (from my own experience). A family constellation can reveal the unconscious cause behind your actions.


For example; the story of a deceased uncle's life, of which you may not have known anything, may be causing you to have certain fears in the present that you don't comprehend. You probably assume that this uncle's life has absolutely nothing to do with your life, but that is not necessarily true. By setting up a constellation including that fear, you can clarify the ways and means and identify who the fear is related to. When it becomes obvious what was going on with the uncle and this fear, you can progress in your life free from the fear because it did not belong to you in the first place. When you heal something painful/traumatic in this lifetime, (by being willing to let it be there openly in the constellation) it also has an impact on the late uncle, because we are all connected.


What is important in systemic work is that trauma or what has been suppressed or kept secret or hidden in the family: that it is something that wishes to be seen. Out of loyalty we are carrying stuff with us that is not ours. When we have clarity about that, we can feel lighter, we can live our lives unburdened.




As of May 2023 I am facilitating individual family constellations and it makes me so happy to witness what happens for people who have the courage to do their soul searching. Please bear in mind that we cannot change the past and in constellations the intention is not to fix things. But if you start recognizing underlying dynamics and patterns in your life, then the way you do and handle things can be transformed.


In individual constellations I offer different methods: I work with sheets of paper that we use as floor anchors or through making a drawing of what is going on in your life/the issue you’re dealing with. Or we set up the constellation while we walk outside in nature where we use what is available in nature as a floor anchor.


You can set up anything that you are currently struggling with. It can be related to family, but also to other relations, to work or to your health. 

You can schedule one or more meetings at once or you may decide to check the impact of the constellation and reconvene afterwards. It is up to you. After the session I always check in with you if further explanation or aftercare is desired.


An individual constellation of an hour to an hour and a half will cost € 60.



In 2022-2023 I completed the One Year Family and Organizational Constellations training at the Academy for Constellations of Hylke Bonnema in Amsterdam. At this very moment (2024) I am studying the master/intermediate training there as well. If you wish to learn more about his work with family and organizational constellations, check out familieopstellingen.nl .

In November 2023 and April 2024 I attended the 3 day Training on Constellations and Disease by Stephan Hausner at UNLP in Amsterdam.

Would you like to learn more about founder Bert Hellinger and the origins of family constellations? Click here.


Would you like to connect personally for information, please contact me.